Pariksheet Tricks & Tricks
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Friday, 5 April 2024
Wednesday, 22 December 2021
Kubectl Sheetcheat
List all pods in namespace <default>
kubectl get pods
kubectl get pod
View a pod in watch mode
View all pods in watch mode
List sroted pods
List pods using a different output
JSON output
Wide output:
Custom columns:
kubectl get po
kubectl get pod <pod> --watch
kubectl get pods -A --watch
kubectl get pods --sort-by='.status.containerStatuses[0].restartCount'
kubectl get pods -o <json|yaml|wide|custom-columns=...|custom-columnsfile=...|go-template=...|go-template-file=...|jsonpath=...|jsonpath-file=...>
kubectl get pods -o json
kubectl get pods -ojson
kubectl get pods -o=json
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl get pods -o custom-columns='DATA:spec.containers[*].image'
kubectl get pods -o custom-columns='DATA:spec.containers[*].volumeMounts'
kubectl get pods -o custom-columns='DATA:metadata.*'
Output format Description
Print a table using a comma separated list of custom columns
Print a table using the custom columns template in the
<filename> file
-o=json Output a JSON formatted API object
-o=jsonpath=<template> Print the fields defined in a jsonpath expression
Print the fields defined by the jsonpath expression in the
<filename> file
-o=name Print only the resource name and nothing else
Output in the plain-text format with any additional
information, and for pods, the node name is included
-o=yaml Output a YAML formatted API object
Formatting output
To output details to your terminal window in a specific format, add the -o (or --output ) flag to a
supported kubectl command (source: K8s docs)
List all pods in a namespace
List all pods in all namespaces
Create from an image
kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
kubectl -n <namespace> get pods
kubectl --namespace <namespace> get pods
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
kubectl get pods -A
kubectl run <pod> --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=<image>
In the following cheatsheet, we will be using images such as nginx or busybox.
Run pod in an interactive shell mode
Run a command after creating a pod
Executing a command in a running pod
Or pass stdin to the container in TTY mode:
Create a pod: dry run mode (without really creating it)
Patch a pod
Another example:
Create from a YAML file
kubectl run nginx --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=nginx
kubectl run busybox --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=busybox
kubectl run -i --tty nginx --image=nginx -- sh
kubectl run busybox --image=busybox -- sleep 100000
kubectl exec <pod> -- <command>
kubectl exec -it <pod> -- <command>
kubectl exec -it nginx -- ls -lrth /app/
kubectl run <pod> --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=nginx --dry-run
kubectl patch pod <pod> -p '<patch>'
kubectl patch pod <pod> -p '{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"kubernetes-servehostname","image":"new image"}]}}'
kubectl patch pod valid-pod --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path":
"/spec/containers/0/image", "value":"new image"}]'
Export YAML from the dry run mode
Create from STDIN
Create multiple resources from STDIN
Create in a namespace
Create in a namespace from a file
kubectl create -f pod.yaml
kubectl run nginx --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=nginx --dry-run -o yaml
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx-pod
- name: nginx
image: nginx:latest
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx-pod
- name: nginx
image: nginx:latest
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: busybox
- name: busybox
image: busybox
- sleep
- "100"
kubectl run nginx --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=nginx -n <namespace>
kubectl create -f pod.yaml -n <namespace>
Delete pods
If you create the pod from a file, you can also use:
To force deletion:
Get pod logs
Sometimes a pod contains more than 1 container. You need to filter the output to get logs for a
specific container(s)
To follow the logs output (tail -f):
If you need to output the logs for all pods with a label
You can also view logs in a multi container case with labels:
Or view all cotainers logs with a given label:
List all container id of init container of all pods
kubectl delete pod/<pod>
kubectl delete pod <pod>
kubectl delete -f pod.yaml
kubectl delete pod <pod> --grace-period=0 --force
kubectl logs <pod>
kubectl logs <pod> -c <container>
kubectl logs -f <pod>
kubectl logs -l <label_name>=<label_value>
kubectl logs -l env=prod
kubectl logs -l <label_name>=<label_value> -c <container>
kubectl logs -f -l <label_name>=<label_value> --all-containers
Show metrics for a given pod
Show metrics for a given pod and all its containers
Create a deployment
Create a deployment with a predefined replica number
Create a deployment with a predefined replica number and
opening a port
Note: The default generator for kubectl run is --generator=deployment/apps.v1 .
Note: --generator=deployment/apps.v1 is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
Use kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 or kubectl create instead.
Create a deployment with a predefined replica number,
opening a port and exposing it
Get a deployment
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{range
.items[*].status.initContainerStatuses[*]}{.containerID}{"\n"}{end}' | cut -d/ -
kubectl top pod <pod>
kubectl top pod <pod> --containers
kubectl run <deployment> --image=<image>
kubectl create deployment <deployment> --image=<image>
kubectl run <deployment> --image=<image> --replicas=<number>
kubectl run <deployment> --image=<image> --replicas=<replicas> --port=<port>
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --replicas=2 --port=80
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --replicas=2 --port=80 --expose
Watch a deployment
Or using a shorter version:
Or even the longer one:
List all deployments
Same as listing pods, you have multiple options from namespace to output formatters:
Update the image
Rolling update "nginx" containers of "nginx" deployment, updating the image:
Rolling update "api" containers of "backend" deployment, updating the image:
Scale a deployment
Note: You can use a shorter version:
kubectl get deploy <deployment>
kubectl get deployment <deployment> --watch
kubectl get deployment <deployment> -w
kubectl get deploy <deployment> -w
kubectl get deployments.apps <deployment> --watch
kubectl get deploy -n <namespace>
kubectl get deploy --all-namespaces
kubectl get deploy -A
kubectl get deploy -oyaml
kubectl get deploy -owide
kubectl set image deployment/nginx nginx=nginx:1.9.1
kubectl set image deployment/backend api=image:v2
kubectl scale --replicas=5 deployment/<deployment>
kubectl scale --replicas=5 deploy/<deployment>
Dry run and YAML output
Create a deployment from a file
Edit a deployment
Rollback deployment
After editing your deployment, you had an error, a solution can be rolling back to the old
deployment status:
Get rollout history
You can check the rollout history:
gives you:
Roll back to a previous revision
Using the information from the rollout history, we can get back our deployment to a given
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --replicas=2 --port=80 --dry-run -o yaml
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
kubectl edit deployment/<deployment>
kubectl rollout undo deployment <deployment>
kubectl rollout history deployment <deployment>
kubectl rollout history deployment <deployment>
kubectl rollout history deployment nginx
2 kubectl set image deployment/nginx nginx=nginx:1.9.1 --record=true
3 <none>
kubectl rollout undo deployment <deployment> --to-revision=<revision>
kubectl rollout undo deployment nginx --to-revision=2
Execute deployment rollout operations
Port Forwarding
Choosing localhost port
Forward to localhost 8090 from pod 6379:
Listening on the same port
Example: Listen on ports 8000 and 9000 on localhost, forwarded from the same ports in the pod
(8000 and 9000)
Listen on a random port locally
Listen on port on localhost + another IP
Listen on a forwarded port on all addresses
kubectl rollout status deployment <deployment>
kubectl rollout pause deployment <deployment>
kubectl rollout resume deployment <deployment>
kubectl port-forward deployment <deployment> <locahost-port>:<deployment-port>
kubectl port-forward pod <pod> <locahost-port>:<pod-port>
kubectl port-forward redis 8090:6379
kubectl port-forward pod <pod> <port>
kubectl port-forward pod nginx 8000 9000
kubectl port-forward pod <pod> :<pod-port>
kubectl port-forward pod nginx :80
kubectl port-forward --address localhost,<IP.IP.IP.IP> pod <pod> <locahostport>:<pod-port>
kubectl port-forward --address localhost, pod redis 8090:6379
kubectl port-forward --address pod <pod> <hosts-port>:<pod-port>
Create a service
You can use svc instead of service .
Delete service(s)
Describe a service
Get node
Get a specific node
Show node metrics
Get external IPs of cluster nodes
kubectl create service <clusterip|externalname|loadbalancer|nodeport> <service>
[flags] [options]>
kubectl create service clusterip myclusterip --tcp=5678:8080
kubectl create service loadbalancer myloadbalancer --tcp=80
kubectl delete service myclusterip
kubectl delete service myloadbalancer
kubectl delete svc myclusterip
kubectl delete svc myloadbalancer
kubectl delete service myclusterip myloadbalancer
kubectl describe service <service>
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get nodes <node>
kubectl top node <node>
kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?
Describe commands with verbose output
Check which nodes are ready
Mark a node as unschedulable
Drain a node for maintenance
Mark a node as schedulable
List namespaces
List or describe a namespace
Create namespace
kubectl describe nodes <node>
JSONPATH='{range .items[*]}{}:{range @.status.conditions[*]}
{@.type}={@.status};{end}{end}' && kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath="$JSONPATH" |
grep "Ready=True"
kubectl cordon <node>
kubectl drain <node>
kubectl uncordon <node>
kubectl get namespaces
kubectl get ns
kubectl get namespace <namespace>
kubectl describe namespace <namespace>
kubectl create namespace <namespace>
kubectl create -f namespace.yaml
Delete namespace
Service accounts
List service accounts
Get a service account
Create a service account
Delete a service account
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: mynamespace
kubectl delete namespace <namespace>
kubectl delete -f namespace.yaml
kubectl get serviceaccounts
kubectl get sa
kubectl get serviceaccount <serviceaccount>
kubectl get serviceaccounts <serviceaccount>
kubectl get sa <serviceaccount>
kubectl get sa/<serviceaccount>
kubectl create serviceaccount <serviceaccount>
Describe a service account
List events
List sorted events
Example: Sorted by timestamp
List formatted events
Get the documentation for pod manifests
Get the documentation for service manifests
Describing resources
kubectl delete serviceaccount <serviceaccount>
kubectl delete -f myserviceaccount.yaml
kubectl describe serviceaccount <serviceaccount>
kubectl get events -A
kubectl get events --sort-by=<JSONPath>
kubectl get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp
kubectl get events -o <json|yaml|wide|custom-columns=...|custom-columnsfile=...|go-template=...|go-template-file=...|jsonpath=...|jsonpath-file=...>
kubectl get events -owide
kubectl explain pod
kubectl explain service
kubectl describe <resource> <reosurce_name>
Other possible resources you can use with describe :
kubectl describe pod busybox
kubectl describe nodes minikube
Editing resources
Edit a service
Edit a service with your favorite text editor
Note: Change service by any editable resource type like pods.
Deleting Resources
Delete a resource using the type and name specified in
Delete pods and services with same names
Delete pods and services with a custom label
Delete all pods and services in a namespace
Delete all resources in a namespace
All get commands
kubectl edit service <service>
KUBE_EDITOR="vim" edit service <service>
kubectl delete -f <file>
kubectl delete pod,service <name1> <name2>
kubectl delete pods,services -l <label-name>=<label-value>
kubectl -n <namespace> delete pods,services --all
kubectl delte <namespace>
Resource type Abbreviations
componentstatuses cs
configmaps cm
daemonsets ds
deployments deploy
endpoints ep
event ev
horizontalpodautoscalers hpa
ingresses ing
limitranges limits
namespaces ns
nodes no
persistentvolumeclaims pvc
persistentvolumes pv
pods po
podsecuritypolicies psp
replicasets rs
replicationcontrollers rc
resourcequotas quota
serviceaccount sa
services svc
Abbreviations / Short forms of resource types
Verbose Kubectl
kubectl get all
kubectl get pods
kubectl get replicasets
kubectl get services
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get namespaces
kubectl get configmaps
kubectl get endpoints
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --v=5
Verbosity Description
--v=0 Generally useful for this to always be visible to a cluster operator.
--v=1 A reasonable default log level if you don't want verbosity.
Useful steady state information about the service and important log
messages that may correlate to significant changes in the system. This is the
recommended default log level for most systems.
--v=3 Extended information about changes.
--v=4 Debug level verbosity.
--v=6 Display requested resources.
--v=7 Display HTTP request headers.
--v=8 Display HTTP request contents.
--v=9 Display HTTP request contents without truncation of contents.
(Table source: K8s docs)
Display addresses of the master and services
Dump cluster state to STDOUT
Dump cluster state to a file
Compares the current cluster state against the state that
the cluster would be in if the manifest was applied
List all images running in a cluster
Kubectl context
Show merged kubeconfig settings
kubectl cluster-info
kubectl cluster-info dump
kubectl cluster-info dump --output-directory=</file/path>
kubectl diff -f ./my-manifest.yaml
kubectl get pods -A -o=custom-columns='DATA:spec.containers[*].image'
Use multiple kubeconfig
Get a list of users
Display the first user
Get the password for the "admin" user
Display the current context
Display list of contexts
Set the default context to <cluster>
Sets a user entry in kubeconfig
Sets a user with a client key
Sets a user with basic auth
Sets a user with client certificate
kubectl config view
kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.users[*].name}'
kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.users[].name}'
kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.users[?( == "admin")].user.password}'
kubectl config current-context
kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl config use-context <cluster>
kubectl config set-credentials <username> [options]
kubectl config set-credentials <user> --client-key=~/.kube/admin.key
kubectl config set-credentials --username=<username> --password=<password>
kubectl config set-credentials <user> --client-certificate=<path/to/cert> --
Set a context utilizing a specific config file
Set a context utilizing a specific username and namespace.
Create an alias on *nix
Create an alias on Windows
Kubectl imperative (create) vs declarative (apply)
You tell your cluster what you want to create, replace or delete, not how you want you it to look
You tell your cluster how you want it to look like.
The creation, deletion and modification of objects is done via a single command. The declarative
approach is a statement of the desired end result.
If the deployment is deleted in <deployment-filename> , it will also be deleted from the cluster.
Sunday, 30 August 2020
How to Stop FireWall on Centos 7 and Red Hat7
[1] | It's possible to show Service Status of FireWall like follows. (enabled by default) [root@kida ~]# systemctl status firewalld ● firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Thu 2015-03-31 19:36:27 JST; 2s ago Main PID: 1308 (firewalld) CGroup: /system.slice/firewalld.service └─1308 /usr/bin/python -Es /usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid ..... ..... |
[2] | If you use FireWall service, it needs to modify settings of it because incoming requests for services are mostly not allowed by default. |
[3] | If FireWall service does not need for you because of some reasons like that some FireWall Machines are running in your Local Netowrk or others, it's possbile to stop and disable it like follows. # disable service [root@kida ~]# systemctl disable firewalld rm '/etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.service' rm '/etc/systemd/system/' |
[4] | It's possible to show Status of SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) like follows. (enabled by default) |
[root@kida ~]# getenforce Enforcing # SELinux is enabled |
[5] | If SELinux function does not need for you because of some reasons like that your server is running only in Local safety Network or others, it's possbile to disable it like follows. [root@kida ~]# vi /etc/selinux/config # This file controls the state of SELinux on the system. # SELINUX= can take one of these three values: # enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced. # permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing. # disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded. SELINUX=disabled # change to disabled # SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values: # targeted - Targeted processes are protected, # minimum - Modification of targeted policy. Only selected processes are protected. # mls - Multi Level Security protection. SELINUXTYPE=targeted # restart to apply new setting [root@kida ~]# |
Friday, 14 August 2020
Exploring the Snort Intrusion Detection System
Modern enterprises need IT for smooth and efficient functioning. The almost universal use of the Internet has spawned many bad actors and malicious agents. There are hackers out there waiting to break into computer systems for espionage, theft of industrial secrets and for information. Intrusion detection systems help address this problem.
An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a network security technology built to detect vulnerabilities and has the ability to block threats. According to Brian Rexroad, vice president of security platforms for AT&T, “The overall purpose of an IDS is to inform IT personnel that a network intrusion may be taking place. Alerts will generally include information about the source address of the intrusion, the target’s/victim’s address, and the type of attack that is suspected.”
What is involved in network intrusion?
To detect and to prevent hackers and attackers from penetrating a system, we need to have a basic understanding of the attacks that can be possibly performed on it.
Scanning attack: This involves sending packets/information to a network in an attempt to gather data about the network, e.g., blind SQL injection.


Buffer overflow attack: This is an attempt to penetrate sections of the memory in the devices connected to the network, replacing the normal data with malicious code. This can cause the entire system to crash and create chaos, which helps in hiding an attack on another point in the system.
Protocol-specific attack: This targets specific protocols such as ICMP, TCP and ARP.
- ICMP stands for Internet Control Message Protocol; ping floods attack can be performed, which overwhelm the device with ICMP echo-request packets. There are also smurf attacks and port scanning.
- TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol, which is vulnerable to TCP syn attacks in which a port stays open as the ACK message is never received; the open port can be used to send malicious packets.
- ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol, in which the attack takes place by ARP Poisoning where false ARP messages are sent to link the attacker’s MAC address with the IP address of a legit device.
Malware: This includes worms, trojans, viruses and bots. Basically, as the word itself says, this software is designed to damage or disrupt the system.
Traffic flooding: This is also known as DDoS attack.
Types of intrusion detection systems
Network-based intrusion detection systems (NIDS) are deployed at strategic points throughout the network, basically to keep a watch over places where the traffic is most likely to be vulnerable. They are relatively easy to secure and thus, an intruder may not realise that an attack is being detected. NIDS analyses a large volume of network traffic, which means it has low specificity. So, there are chances of it missing an attack or not detecting something in encrypted traffic.
A host intrusion detection system (HIDS) is established on all devices in the network. It works as a second line of defence against malicious data if NIDS fails to detect something. It looks at the entire system’s file set and compares it to previous logs of the file set.
Approaches to detecting intrusion
Signature based IDS: This focuses on searching for ‘signature’ patterns, or an identity of an intrusion, or a specific intrusion event. Signature-based IDS is only as good as how up-to-date its database is at that given moment. But it is very easy to bypass it by making tiny changes to the code. As the database increases, the processing load increases and so the system takes time to analyse each connection and verify it.
Anomaly based IDS: This uses machine learning to detect intrusions by comparing trustworthy models with new models. As a result, strange looking anomalies are flagged. However, the problem is that even a legitimate model can be flagged, depending on the network’s response. Anomaly-based IDS is good for determining when someone is probing a network prior to an attack taking place. These probes create signals in the network that the anomaly based IDS will pick up.
Challenges of managing an IDS
- False positives are a major problem with an IDS. This refers to the generation of alerts even when there is no real problem or any issue.
- Staffing means that an IDS cannot work as a one-for-all system — it changes from enterprise to enterprise.
- There are chances that an IDS may miss a legitimate risk.
Snort is a free and open source network intrusion prevention and detection system. It uses a rule-based language combining signature, protocol and anomaly inspection methods to detect any kind of malicious activity. Snort is also capable of performing real-time traffic analysis and packet logging on IP networks. It was developed in 1999 but it went on to become so popular that it was purchased by Cisco in 2014.
Anyone, a novice or an experienced person, who wants to head out into the world of security must be familiar with Kali Linux. This is a Debian based distribution, which has been specifically made keeping in mind network analysts and penetration testers. A Linux distribution is a bundle which contains the Linux kernel, a collection of core utilities and applications, and some default settings. Kali comes pre-installed with a palette of tools to choose from, making it the Swiss knife for hackers. We will now use Snort on Kali.

Installing Snort
Let us install Snort from the repositories. You can first directly try running it from the terminal, by using the following command — if your machine is properly configured with the repositories, then Snort will be installed.
kali > sudo apt-get install snort |
Now let us suppose that your machine does not have the required repositories listed, so we may edit them by using the following command:
kali > sudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources .list |
Once done, install Snort. You may verify the installation by running the following command:
kali > sudo snort -V |
As we can see in Figure 1, Snort responds with its currently installed version number.

Basic configuration of Snort
Like all Linux commands and applications, Snort also has the help of the command line, which can be invoked by using the following code:
kali > sudo snort –-help |
I have highlighted a few switches from the Help section of Snort:
- -c gives us the location of the Snort rules and tells it to use its rules. They are the signature against which the new packets are verified.
- -d tells Snort to show the application layer of data.
- –e displays the Data Link layer of information, which contains the MAC address of the system.
- –i allows the user to designate the interface we want to use. By default, Snort uses eth0.
- –k allows the users to define how they want to store the details of the data capture performed by Snort.
- -v is like in most of the programs — verbose, providing all the information.

Starting Snort
Let’s get to know some of the basic switches of Snort, by first running iy. What makes Snort fabulous is that it can be run as a sniffer, packet logger, or even as a NIDS. In this article, we will look at Snort as a packet sniffer and NIDS.
To run Snort in packet dump mode, use the following command:
kali > sudo snort -vde |
The output we get is pretty self-explanatory (Figures 2). For using Snort as a NIDS, we need to instruct Snort to include the configuration file and rules. Generally, we can find the conf file at /etc/snort/snort.conf and that file will point to Snort rules. We need to give the -c switch and then the location.
kali > sudo snort -vde -c /etc/snort/snort .conf |
We can also customise the rules to suit our needs.

Snort — rules and configuration
Like all general Linux applications, Snort is configured via a conf file, which can be opened as a simple text file. Edit this text file, restart the application and we have a new working configuration.
Before going any further, let’s take a brief look into the syntax of Snort rules.
- Snort rules must be contained in a single line or we can use the multi-line character \. For example:
log tcp !x.x.x /xx OR log tcp !x.x.x /xx any -> xxx \ (msg: “some command ”) |
- All rules should contain a rule header (which identifies the actions) and rule options (which identify the rule’s alert messages).
- The rules must describe situations like a violation of the security policy of the company, or correctly detect the exploitable vulnerabilities.
There are three kinds of rules in Snort:
- Alert rules: This generates alerts using the alert method.
- Log rules: Upon generation of any alert, it logs that specific alert.
- Pass rules: Ignores the packet if deemed malicious and drops it.
Now we can move on to the configuration file, which can be opened using the following command:
kali > mousepad /etc/snort/snort .conf |
In the Snort configuration file, we may see nine sections, as shown in Figure 4.
For the most basic configuration, we will address only Sections 1, 6 and 7 as seen in Figure 5, 6, 7.

Setting variables
In the screenshot in Figure 5, we can see the highlighted line ‘ipvar HOME_NET’. This variable denotes the network is protected. ‘HOME_NET’ is the variable name to which the IP address is assigned. This can be a single IP address, a list of IP addresses, or a subnet in CIDR notation, or even can be left as any.
Checking the output
Using Ctrl+F, we then move on to output plugins (Figure 6). By default, Snort sends the output in log format. But if we want, we can comment out that line (unified2) and uncomment the bottom line (log_tcpdump), enabling the output in tcpdump format, which is saved in the /var/log/snort directory.
Disable rules
Depending on your enterprise, we may need to change the rules that Snort relies upon, and customise them in Section 7, as shown in Figure 7.
To not let Snort use a given set, simply comment out the include part.
After making any change, simply save the file and test the configuration using the -T switch.
kali > sudo snort -T -c /etc/snort/snort .conf |
The output can be seen in Figure 8.

So, is that all?
Well, we have not even scratched the surface of Snort. For the geeks out there, think of this as just the beginning to a Cristopher Nolan or a Quentin Tarantino movie — it still has many layers to go through. We can write our own rules, create our own NIDS for the enterprise and even sniff packets.