Install Ubuntu /Xubuntu 12.04 LTS
Open a terminal and apply following commands,
sudo su
apt-get install leafpad
Add Koha package repository
wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -
echo deb squeeze main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install koha-common
Initial Configuration
Create a new file
leafpad /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf
Add the following lines and save.
DOMAIN="" # Change this to be your domain. Any instance will be a subdomain of this string.
INTRAPORT="8000" # TCP listening port for the administration interface
INTRAPREFIX="" # For administration interface URL: Prefix to be added to the instance name.
INTRASUFFIX="-intra" # For administration interface URL: Suffix to be added to the instance name.
DEFAULTSQL="" # a value is generally not needed.
OPACPORT="8001" # TCP listening port for the users' interface (if you skip this, the apache default of 80 will be used)
OPACPREFIX="" # For users' interface URL: Prefix to be added to the instance name.
OPACSUFFIX="" # For users' interface URL: Suffix to be added to the instance name.
ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT="marc21" # Specifies format of MARC records to be indexed by Zebra. Possible values are 'marc21', 'normarc' and 'unimarc'
ZEBRA_LANGUAGE="en" # Primary language for Zebra indexing. Possible values are 'en', 'fr' and 'nb'
Adding ports
Open following file and add ports
sudo leafpad /etc/apache2/ports.conf
Add two ports for Koha
Listen 8000
Listen 8001
Apply following commands,
sudo a2enmod rewrite
Configuration of UTF-8 in MySQL and Apache
Enable UTF-8 at MySQL
Open a Terminal and type following command,
sudo su
leafpad /etc/mysql/my.cnf
[Under the Basic settings section, add the following,]
# UTF-8 Defaults for Koha
init-connect='SET NAMES utf8'
leafpad /etc/apache2/conf.d/charset
[Add the following two lines in]
AddCharset UTF-8 .utf8
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
Save the file and close the editor.
Sax parser setup
leafpad /etc/perl/XML/SAX/ParserDetails.ini
Cut and paste the following command to the bottom of the file and save it.
Instance creation
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
[Put a password for MySQL Root USER]
Apply following commands,
sudo apt-get clean
sudo koha-create --create-db library
Ubuntu MySQL security Tweak
sudo su
mysql -u root -p
[Enter the MySQL Root password when it ask]
Execute the following commands,
USE mysql;
SELECT host,user FROM user;
DELETE FROM user WHERE user=''; SELECT host,user FROM user;
Configuring Apache
Execute the following commands in a terminal.
sudo a2dissite 000-default
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo a2enmod deflate
sudo a2ensite library
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Start web installation of Koha
The username to log in with will be koha_library and the password will be near the end of /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml
Apply the following command to see the koha login password,
sudo xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'yazgfs/config/pass' /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml
Open following link,
Zebra rebuild command
sudo su
koha-rebuild-zebra -v -f library
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